What is The Quickest Way to Lose 10kg?

Losing weight is never an easy task, especially for healthy people. Fortunately, with determination and small changes to your lifestyle, you can achieve your weight loss goals and drop that extra 10 kg in no time. One of the best ways to lose weight is by participating in a small group fitness class, such as the one offered at The Woodshed. These types of high-intensity workouts help boost your metabolism and burn more calories, resulting in greater fat loss overall. Additionally, small group classes are a great way to stay motivated and accountable, while getting support from other like-minded individuals who are also looking to create positive changes in their health.

How does weight loss occur?

For weight loss to occur, you need to burn more calories than you take in. This means making small changes to your diet and incorporating regular exercise into your routine. If you are a resident of Melbourne, Australia, a small group fitness class that incorporates HIIT and strong room exercises is a great way to kick-start your weight loss journey, as it provides focused workouts that challenge both your body and mind. With the guidance of a certified instructor, these classes can help increase the intensity and maximize results over time.

What are the benefits of enrolling in small group fitness class?

There are several benefits to enrolling in small group fitness classes, including these amazing ones:

1. Increased motivation and accountability

Exercising with the aim of losing weight is never an easy thing to do. As a result, it's important to have the right mindset and stay motivated throughout your journey. By enrolling in small group fitness classes, you'll get the support and guidance of other like-minded individuals who are also seeking to lose weight.

2. More comprehensive workouts

Unlike traditional at-home workouts, small group classes offer more comprehensive and varied workouts that challenge both your body and mind. These intense sessions can help maximize results over time by targeting different muscle groups each week.

3. Greater focus on technique

In small group fitness classes, instructors focus on proper form as well as correct posture to reduce injury risk while maximizing results. This helps ensure that you get the most out of every workout session without compromising your overall health and wellness.

4. Increased energy levels

When you regularly participate in small group fitness classes, you'll notice that your energy levels increase over time as your body adapts to the increased intensity of each session. This can help boost your confidence and make it easier to incorporate more regular exercise into your daily routine outside of class.

5. A supportive environment

Along with small class sizes and personalized instruction, small group fitness classes provide a supportive and encouraging environment where you feel comfortable pushing yourself further than you ever thought possible. With the support of other like-minded individuals, you can achieve greater weight loss results while also building lasting friendships along the way.

6. Customised programming

Unlike at-home workouts or large group fitness classes, small group fitness offers customised programming that allows you to work at your own pace and level of intensity. Whether you're just starting out or looking for more challenging options, small group fitness classes can be tailored to meet your specific goals and needs.

7. Increased coordination and balance

As small group fitness sessions are typically high-intensity in nature, they can help improve both coordination and balance as you push yourself further than ever before. With improved form and better control over your body, small group workouts can help reduce the risk of injury while maximizing weight loss results overall.

8. A sense of community

One of the best things about small group fitness is the sense of community involvement. Whether you're struggling to meet your weight loss goals or simply looking for a fun way to socialize and stay active, small group fitness classes offer the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships along the way.

9. Increased muscle tone

Another key benefit of small group fitness classes is that they help increase muscle tone over time by increasing the intensity of each workout. By challenging all major muscle groups on a regular basis, small group workouts can help reduce body fat while building leaner and stronger muscles overall.

10. Great value for money

When compared to one-on-one personal training sessions or large group fitness classes, small group workouts are often more affordable in terms of cost per session. This makes small group fitness a great option for anyone looking to achieve their weight loss goals on a budget without compromising results.

11. Limits injuries

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of small group fitness is that it can help limit injury risk over time by reducing the burden placed on your joints and muscles. Whether you're just starting out or have been exercising for years, small group classes offer a safe and supportive environment where you can work at your own pace without putting yourself at risk of injury.

12. Reduced stress levels

Along with improved overall health, small group fitness has also been shown to reduce stress levels over time. With a focus on mindfulness and relaxation, small group workouts allow you to step away from the hustle and bustle of daily life while improving your mood and overall well-being in the process.

Whether you're looking to lose 10kg quickly or simply incorporate more regular exercise into your daily routine, small group fitness classes offer the perfect opportunity to take your health and wellness to the next level. With the help of supportive instructors and like-minded individuals, small group workouts can help you meet your weight loss goals while also enjoying the process along the way.

Effective weight loss methods to lose 10kgs fast

Losing weight fast can be challenging, but it is not impossible. There are several effective methods you can try to shed those extra pounds quickly and safely. These include the following methods:

1. Drink more water

Drink more water and cut out sugary drinks like soda, juice, and energy drinks. Replacing these with water can help boost your metabolism and promote better health overall. Water is a perfect metabolism booster and when you substitute sugary drinks with it, you can start to see results in no time.

2. Eat more protein and fiber

Protein plays a key role in weight loss, helping you feel full and satisfied after meals. Additionally, foods high in fiber tend to be more filling than other types of food, making them an ideal choice for those looking to lose weight.

3. Get enough sleep

Get plenty of sleep every night to support faster recovery from workouts and proper hormone balance that helps regulate appetite, weight loss, and metabolism. Aim for 8-9 hours of quality sleep each night by avoiding screens before bedtime and going to sleep at the same time each evening.

4. Exercise regularly

Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, whether that means signing up for small group fitness classes like the ones offered at The Woodshed or going for a run or bike ride outdoors. Exercise helps boost your metabolism and burn extra calories, promoting faster weight loss. Also, strength exercises help you to gain muscle while reducing the amount of fat in your body.

5. Limit stress

Reduce stress in your life by practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises to manage cortisol levels and lower feelings of anxiety or depression that can contribute to overeating and emotional eating behaviors. One research that has been published in the journal Obesity found that individuals who tend to experience greater levels of stress were more likely to gain weight and develop obesity.

6. Get support from family and friends

Get support from family and friends who can encourage you on your weight loss journey and help keep you accountable for reaching your goals. Join a supportive online community, hire a personal trainer or nutritionist, or connect with others who can give you regular encouragement as you work towards shedding those extra pounds.

7. Eat small, frequent meals

Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day so you don't get overly hungry and binge eat or overeat at your next meal. This can help prevent feelings of deprivation and make your weight loss journey a little more manageable.

8. Track your calorie intake

Track your food intake using tools like MyFitnessPal or an app on your phone to stay accountable for everything that you're eating each day. It can be easy to lose track of small snacks or treats when you aren't paying attention to what's going into your body, which is why keeping tabs on all of the calories that you consume can help with weight loss efforts.

9. Reduce intake of refined foods

Avoid refined carbs like white bread and pasta and limit your consumption of added sugars if possible. These foods are high in calories, low in nutrients, and can contribute to weight gain and poor health if eaten too frequently. In a study whose findings were published in the journal BMJ, participants who followed a Mediterranean diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables were found to have better health outcomes than those who ate processed foods.

10. Incorporate HIIT studio exercises

Try incorporating small bursts of high-intensity exercise into your routine for a metabolic boost that can help you burn more calories throughout the day. This could mean taking a short walk or jogging at lunchtime, doing some interval training on the treadmill at the gym, or engaging in other burst training workouts like HIIT routines or Tabata drills. The best part of this is that residents of Melbourne and adjacent areas can attend structured and expert-led HIIT Studio training classes at The Woodshed.

11. Don't skip breakfast

Eat breakfast every morning to kickstart your metabolism after fasting overnight and to avoid binge eating later on in the day when you get overly hungry and succumb to temptations like sugary snacks or fast food meals. A small protein shake with fruit or Greek yogurt and some granola, oatmeal, or high-fiber cereal can be a good way to start your day. There are several papers have been published regarding why breakfast is important for weight loss. One of the publications is in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in which researchers found that skipping breakfast led to lower levels of activity among children. This meant a slower metabolism and a lower ability to burn calories.

12. Stay active all day long

Stay active throughout the day by taking small breaks to get up from your desk and walk around, going for short walks after meals, or fitting in small bursts of exercise whenever possible. This can keep your metabolism humming along and help you burn more calories throughout the day without too much extra effort on your part. Your body burns calories all day long when you are active and not just during exercise.

13. Invest in high-quality fitness or weight loss supplements

Talk to your doctor about any supplements that may be right for you, such as appetite suppressants, metabolism boosters, or fat blockers. These can help keep you on track and make it easier to achieve your goals by reducing hunger cravings or boosting your energy levels so you have the motivation to stay committed to your diet and fitness plan. Just remember that some of these products can carry side effects or interact with other medications, so always consult with a trusted healthcare professional before starting any new supplements.

14. Don't compare yourself to others

Rather than focusing on how much progress others seem to be making at the gym or on social media, focus on your own goals and how well you are doing. Everyone progresses at their own pace, so be happy with small victories and don't get discouraged by small setbacks. Remember that weight loss is a process, not an overnight change. Your small changes will add up over time to help you reach your ultimate target!

15. Reduce alcohol consumption

Limit alcohol consumption, as it can contribute to weight gain by slowing down the metabolism and increasing cravings for sweet, salty, or fatty foods that are often consumed while drinking alcohol. Opting for low-calorie drinks like water or unsweetened tea instead can help with weight loss efforts. There are several research findings that have proven that excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to obesity. One of the publications is in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in which researchers have found that there are significant links between drinking alcohol and being overweight or obese. These studies illustrate how small amounts of alcohol can disrupt the body’s metabolism and increase the risk of weight gain.

16. Eat more proteins

Incorporate more protein into your diet to help build muscle and keep you feeling full for longer after meals. Protein is a key nutrient that can help with weight loss efforts by keeping you satisfied and reducing cravings for processed carbs or sugary treats. High-protein foods like chicken, fish, legumes, lean meats, eggs, tofu, edamame, and low-fat dairy products like Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, nuts, and seeds are all great choices when it comes to adding protein to your diet.

17. Practise mindful eating

Practice mindful eating by slowing down and paying attention to the way that you chew your food, what flavors you are tasting, and how full or satisfied you feel after each meal. This can help prevent overeating and emotional eating behaviors that can contribute to weight gain over time. Additionally, focusing on the small things like enjoying a nice cup of tea or sitting in silence with loved ones during meals can promote mindfulness and help reduce cravings for unhealthy foods later on. Focus on making healthy choices throughout each day, small steps taken consistently will lead to big results in the long term!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​

18. Set small, achievable goals

Instead of trying to lose 10 pounds overnight or setting unrealistic targets, focus on small changes that can add up over time. For example, make small swaps like replacing your morning bagel with high-fiber cereal or eliminating soda from your diet for water instead. Small changes like these are easier to stick with for both short-term and long-term weight loss results.

19. Invest in a standing desk

If your work involves sitting the whole day, it may be time to invest in a standing desk. This small adjustment can make a big difference when it comes to weight loss efforts, as sitting for extended periods of time has been shown to increase the risk of obesity and other health issues like heart disease and diabetes. So consider investing in a standing desk or simple modifications like using an exercise ball instead of a chair at your regular computer station.

20. Try out new workouts

If you struggle with motivation when it comes to working out, consider trying out different types types of classes or group fitness sessions at your local gym or studio. Not only is this more fun than doing the same routine again and again, but it can also help keep you challenged and engaged while meeting new people who share similar goals and interests. From small group classes like Zumba or yoga to indoor cycling, boot camp, and more, there are endless options when it comes to finding workouts that you will love and look forward to doing each day. With small changes in routine and small steps taken consistently, you can reach your goal of losing 10 pounds in no time!​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​

21. Make healthy swaps

If you feel like giving up on your weight loss efforts because you’re constantly craving unhealthy treats or sugary foods, make small swaps instead. By simply substituting high-calorie snacks for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits, vegetables, or small servings of nuts and seeds, you can satisfy cravings without sacrificing your progress. For example, small bags of air-popped popcorn are a great swap for chips at snack time, while small containers of plain Greek yogurt or cottage cheese make for an excellent afternoon pick-me-up that is low in calories but high in protein.

Remember - Weight Loss Takes Time

Remember that weight loss is not a linear process and it can take time to see results. Be patient with yourself, set small goals for yourself along the way, and stay focused on making healthy choices each day to promote long-term success. And if you need help staying motivated or have questions about healthy weight loss strategies, don't be afraid to seek out guidance from your doctor or a nutritionist to make sure that you're on the right track for meeting your health goals in a safe and effective way. ​​


Weight loss can be a challenging process, but small changes and small steps are taken consistently over time can help you achieve your goal of losing 10 pounds. Whether your focus is on making small swaps in your diet or investing in a standing desk at work, staying motivated and focused on small goals can help keep you on track for success. So whether it's trying out new workouts or making healthy food choices throughout the day, remember that weight loss takes time and small steps are key to achieving results.


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