Best Workout Routines For Building Your Arms

Are you looking to improve your arm strength and appearance? If so, you're in luck. There are many different workout routines that can help you achieve your desired results. Most people in Melbourne, Australia who want to build larger arms often don't know where to start. There are those who lack the necessary motivation to work out and be fit, while others simply don't have the know-how to develop a plan that works for them.

If you fall into either of these camps, take heart in knowing that there are plenty of different exercises and tips out there that can help you achieve your goals. With the help of expert training such as small group fitness classes, you can get a customized workout plan that will yield the results you're looking for.

Elements that are necessary to build larger arms

Building bigger arms requires two elements: time under tension and volume. If you want to see results, aim for 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps on compound exercises such as the bench press, overhead press, and rows. And don't forget to add isolation exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions to really maximize your gains. With a consistent training program using these principles, you'll be well on your way to building the arms you've always wanted

How to choose exercises to build bigger arms

Growing bigger, stronger arms require patience and persistence. But if you're willing to put in the hard work, you can achieve your goals. Here are seven tips that can help you get the most out of your arm workouts:

1. Train all three heads of your triceps

The triceps is composed of three different muscles - the lateral head, the medial head, and the long head. To fully develop your triceps, you need to target all three heads with specific exercises. For example, overhead extensions primarily work the long head, while close-grip bench presses target the medial and lateral heads.

2. Use a variety of exercises

Don't get too caught up in doing the same old exercises week after week. Over time, your muscles will adapt to the stimulus and you'll stop making progress. To keep your arms growing, mix up your exercises and focus on different muscle groups each workout. In addition to classic moves like bicep curls and triceps kickbacks, try more challenging exercises like rope climbs and pull-ups.

3. Go heavy

To build muscle, you need to challenge your muscles by lifting heavy weights. This doesn't mean that you should max out on every exercise or lift weights that are so heavy you can only do a few reps. But it does mean that you should gradually increase the amount of weight you're lifting over time. As you get stronger, aim to add 5-10% more weight to each exercise each week.

4. Don't neglect your brachialis

The brachialis is a muscle that runs along the outer part of your upper arm between your biceps and triceps. It's often overlooked in favor of the more visible biceps and triceps, but it's an important muscle for adding overall size to your arms. Try including some brachialis-specific exercises in your workouts, such as hammer curls and lying dumbbell Extensions.

5. Take advantage of supersets

When trying to build bigger arms, supersets can be a helpful training tool. A superset is when you pair two exercises back-to-back with no rest in between sets. For example, you could do a set of bench presses followed immediately by a set of bent-over rows. This allows you to keep working your muscles even when one exercise is getting harder to do. Just make sure not to use too much weight or else your form will suffer on the second exercise. 

6. Eat enough calories

If you're not eating enough calories each day, you won't have the energy to put into building bigger muscles. Make sure to include plenty of protein - at least 0 . 8 grams per pound of body weight - as well as carbs and healthy fats in your diet. And don't forget to stay hydrated - water is essential for optimal muscle growth. Here's a detailed article on how many calories you should be eating each day. 

7. Rest & Recover Properly

In order for your muscles to grow, they need time to recover from your workouts. That means getting enough sleep ( at least 7-9 hours per night ) and giving yourself enough time between workouts to let your muscles fully recover. Additionally, consider adding a foam rolling or self-massage routine to your post-workout recovery plan. This will help reduce soreness and improve the range of motion.

Exercises that help build your arms

Below, we'll take a look at some of the most effective arm-building exercises available today.

1. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl

This exercise is particularly beneficial for targeting your brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, which run along the inner and outer sides of your upper arm. Additionally, it helps build strength in the forearms and wrists as well.

To do this exercise:

Position yourself on a flat bench with one dumbbell in each hand. Rest your arms by your sides, or place them on the bench with your palms facing up. Curl one dumbbell up until it is parallel with your shoulders, then repeat with the other hand.

2. Overhead Triceps Extension

This exercise primarily targets the long head of your triceps muscle, which gives you a full and rounded appearance at the back of your arms.

To do this exercise:

Grab a dumbbell with both hands and hold it above your head, palms facing forward. Keeping your upper arms stationary, bend at the elbows to lower the weight straight down behind your head until you feel a stretch in your triceps muscles. Then press up and repeat. Focus on keeping your upper arms in line with your torso, rather than moving them as you lower and raise the weight.

3. EZ Bar Biceps Curl

If you're looking to build bigger biceps, this exercise helps to engage all three parts of your bicep muscles - the short and long heads, plus the brachialis.

To do this exercise:

Grasp an EZ bar with your palms facing forward, hands shoulder-width apart, and arms fully extended toward the floor. Curl the weight up until it's level with your shoulders, then lower it under control. Make sure not to swing or use momentum as you lift - only use the muscle in your forearms to do all of the work.

4. Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl

This exercise specifically targets your brachialis and brachioradialis, which run along the inner and outer sides of your upper arm respectively.

To do this exercise:

Sit on a flat bench with one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing inward toward your body. Curl the weights up until they're level with your shoulders, then lower them under control. Pay special attention to not allowing any movement in your elbows or shoulders, and only use the muscles in your forearms to lift and lower the weight.

5. Reverse EZ Bar Preacher Curl

This exercise is a great way to isolate your biceps, making it ideal for building bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Rest an EZ bar across the top of a preacher bench, with your palms facing down and your hands shoulder-width apart. Curl the weight up until it's level with your shoulders, then lower it under control. Be sure to keep your upper arms motionless and only use the muscles in your forearms to lift and lower the weight.

6. Triceps Pushdown

This exercise focuses on your triceps, helping you build bigger arms from top to bottom.

To do this exercise:

Stand or kneel in front of a high pulley cable machine with an overhead bar attachment. Grab the bar with your palms facing down and a shoulder-width grip. Push the bar down until your arms are fully extended, then slowly return to the starting position. Maintain control throughout the motion and focus on using your triceps muscles to perform the exercise, not momentum or other body parts.

7. Spider Curl

This curl variation is ideal for isolating your biceps, making it the perfect exercise for building bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Set an incline bench to a 45-degree angle and lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Grasp an EZ bar with both hands and hold it at arm's length above you with your elbows bent. Curl the bar up toward your chest until it's at shoulder height, then lower until your arms are fully extended, and repeat. Be sure to keep your upper arms in place as you lift and lower the weight to prevent unnecessary stress on your shoulders.

8. Incline Dumbbell Curl

This exercise targets all three heads of your biceps muscle, which makes it an ideal exercise for building bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Set an incline bench to a 45-degree angle and lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grasp two dumbbells and hold them at arm's length so they hang directly below your shoulders, with your palms facing inward. Curl the weights up until they're level with your chest, then lower them under control. Only use the muscles in your forearms to do this exercise - be sure not to move your upper arms at all and keep them fixed in place throughout the motion.

9. Lying Triceps Extension

This exercise primarily targets your triceps and is a great way to build bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Lie flat on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, holding the weights above you, directly over your shoulders. Lower both weights down toward your ears until they're level with your forehead, then press them up toward the ceiling until they're directly overhead. Be sure to keep your upper arms fixed and only use the muscles in your forearms to lift and lower the weight, otherwise, you risk injuring yourself.

10. Overhead Triceps Extension

This exercise is a great way to target all three heads of your triceps muscle, making it the perfect exercise for building bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Stand in front of a high pulley with an overhead bar attachment. Grasp the bar with your palms facing down and a shoulder-width grip, then extend your arms straight up over your head until they're fully extended. Keeping your upper arms still, bend your elbows to lower the weight behind your head until your elbows form a 90-degree angle, then press back up to the starting position. Keep your upper arms fixed and only use the muscles in your forearms to lift and lower the weight - otherwise, you could injure yourself.

11. Triceps Dip

This exercise is often overlooked when it comes to building bigger arms and focusing on the triceps muscle, but it's an excellent exercise for doing just that.

To do this exercise:

Position yourself between a pair of dip bars and grab each bar with your palms down and arms completely straight. Bend your legs to bring up your feet and lift yourself so you're supporting all of your weight with your arms alone. Bend at the elbows to lower yourself down until your upper arms are at least parallel with the floor, then press back up to the starting position. Be sure not to lean too far forward and keep your legs as straight as possible throughout this exercise - otherwise, you'll put undue stress on your shoulder joints.

12. Close-Grip Bench Press

This exercise is great for building bigger triceps and for targeting the entire upper arm area, making it an essential exercise for those who are looking to build their arms.

To do this exercise:

Lie on a flat bench with your feet firmly planted on the ground and grasp a barbell with both hands so that your palms are facing away from you and slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Press the barbell up over your chest until it's directly over your shoulders, then lower it under control to just above your chin. Be sure not to swing the weight up or let yourself rely on momentum to lift and lower the weight - use only the muscles in your arms as you perform this exercise.

13. Incline Curl

This exercise is an excellent way to target the biceps and build bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Position yourself on a bench that's set at a 30 or 45-degree angle so your upper body forms a diagonal line. Grasp two dumbbells and hold them with your palms facing inward, then curl the weights up while keeping your upper arms still. Be sure to keep your upper body fixed against the bench, otherwise, you'll be putting stress on the shoulder joint.

14. Hammer Curl

This exercise is a great way to target the biceps and build bigger arms by targeting both the short and long heads of this muscle group at once.

To do this exercise:

Grasp a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the weights at your sides again, but turn your wrists so that the palms are facing in toward you and upward at about a 45-degree angle. Curl the dumbbells up while keeping your upper arms straight, then lower them back down to your sides. Be sure not to move your upper arms during this exercise, otherwise, you'll be putting serious stress on the shoulder joint and risk injury - only use the muscles in your forearms as you lift and lower the weight.

15. Biceps Preacher Curl

This exercise is a great way to target both of the biceps muscle heads and build bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Place yourself inside a preacher bench and grasp a pair of dumbbells or curl bar with your palms facing down and your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your upper arms fixed against the bench, curl the weights up while keeping your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Be sure not to swing the weights up and keep your upper arms fixed against the bench throughout this exercise.

16. Preacher Curl

This exercise is a great way to target both of the biceps muscle heads, build bigger arms, and add some thickness to your forearms.

To do this exercise:

Place yourself inside a preacher bench and grasp a pair of dumbbells or curl bar with your palms facing down and your hands shoulder-width apart. Curl the weight up while keeping your upper arms fixed against the bench, then lower it back down under control. Be sure to keep constant tension on the biceps muscle throughout this exercise.

17. Cable Curl

This exercise is a great way to target both of the biceps muscle heads and build bigger arms.

To do this exercise:

Attach an EZ-bar attachment or two light dumbbells to a low pulley cable machine and stand in front of it with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your upper back straight, curl the weight up while keeping your upper arms still. You can vary your arm position to work different parts of the biceps muscle by turning your hands in or out and changing the angle at which you hold your arms as you perform this exercise.

18. Reverse Cable Curl

This exercise is a great way to build bigger arms by targeting both the biceps and muscle heads, and it also works on your forearms.

To do this exercise:

Attach two light or medium dumbbells to a low pulley cable machine and stand in front of it with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, bend your elbows and curl the weights up toward your chest while keeping them close to the sides of your body. Be sure to keep your upper arms still and only use the muscles in your forearms as you perform this exercise.

19. Compound Curl

This compound exercise is a great way to add mass and build bigger arms by targeting multiple muscle groups at once.

To do this exercise:

Place yourself inside a preacher bench and grasp a pair of light dumbbells with your palms facing inward and your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your upper back perfectly straight and fixed against the bench, curl the weights up while keeping your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Be sure to keep constant tension on both the biceps muscle and all other supporting arm muscles throughout this exercise, otherwise, you'll never gain any size.

20. Hammer Curl

This exercise is a great way to add mass and build bigger arms by targeting both the biceps muscle heads, build bigger arms, and work your forearms.

To do this exercise:

Stand up straight with your hands at your sides, palms facing inwards toward you. Hold a pair of dumbbells or EZ-bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your upper arms still, curl the weights up while keeping your palms facing inwards and your knuckles facing forward. Be sure to keep constant tension on both the biceps muscle heads throughout this exercise; otherwise, you'll never gain any size.

21. Concentration Curl

This exercise is a great way to target two muscle heads in the biceps, add some thickness and size to your forearms, build bigger arms, and it also works the brachialis muscle. To do this exercise:

Sit on the edge of a bench with one knee up and your elbow resting against your inner thigh directly above your knee. Grasp a dumbbell or EZ bar with your palm facing inwards and your hands shoulder-width apart. Curl the weight up while keeping your upper arm fixed against your leg, then lower it back down under control. Be sure to keep constant tension on both the biceps muscle heads throughout this exercise; otherwise, you'll never gain any size.


If you are looking to build bigger arms, there are a number of great exercises that you can try out. Some of the best options include preacher curls, cable curls, reverse cable curls, compound curls, and hammer curls. To get the best results from these exercises, be sure to keep your form and technique tight and always focus on using your muscles to lift the weight rather than lifting the weight with your body. With time and practice, you'll be on your way to bigger arms in no time!


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